Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI)

2013-2014 Agenda


The M1 year is organized by each of the Master partners.

The Paris 7 M1 is organized by UFR d'Informatique.

The Ecole Polytechnique M1 is organized by Dept. Informatique.

ENS Paris and ENS Cachan organize a joint M1 curriculum. Students enrolled in the MPRI M1 at ENS Cachan or ENS Paris must attend the kickoff meeting of the M2 year (see M2).


The kickoff meeting will take place on Monday, September 16th at 10:00 in salle des thèses, 580F, 5th floor, secteur F, la Halle aux farines, 10-16 rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris, Métro : ligne 14, RER C : Bibliothèque F. Mitterrand.

A small buffet will be organized after the meeting.

The Slides of the Kickoff Meeting 2013

The lectures will start on Monday, september 16th at 12:45.

There will be a Christmas break from December 21st until Jan 5th, 2014 (bounds included). There is no other break.

The M2 lectures are divided in two periods of 10 weeks, each period is followed by 2 weeks of examinations.

  • From Sept 16th 2013 until Nov. 22nd 2013 : first lecture period.
  • From Nov 25th, 2013 until Dec. 6th, 2013 : final or mid-term exams.
  • From Dec. 9th, 2013 until March 1st, 2014 : second lecture period.
  • From Mar 3rd, 2013 until March 14th, 2014 : exams.

M2 lectures take place in Batiment Sophie Germain

Research internships last 4.5 months (at least) and may start from March 17th, 2014.

Summary of some deadlines

  • Sep. 30: submission of a module selection
  • Nov. 15: canceling registration to 1st period modules
  • Jan. 15: canceling registration to 2nd period modules
  • Jan. 31: submission of an internship choice
  • Apr. 30: retaking exams requests
  • Jul. 31: retaking exams
  • Aug. 22: internship reports upload

2013-2014 Calendar

For the schedule of the M1 P7 courses consult UFR d'Informatique, P7.

  8:45 -- 9:15 9:15 -- 10:15 10:15 -- 11:45         12:45 -- 13:15 13:15 -- 14:15 14:15 -- 15:45         16:15 -- 17:45 17:45 -- 18:45 18:45 -- 19:15
Monday 2.18.2
Algorithmique distribuée avec mémoire partagée
Distributed algorithms with shared memory
Period 1, 8 lectures (first lecture: Sept 23rd)
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Logique linéaire et paradigmes logiques du calcul
Linear logic
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Techniques in Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Algorithmes arithmétiques pour la cryptologie
Arithmetic algorithms for cryptology
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Techniques de théorie des jeux en informatique
Game theory techniques in computer science
Period 1, 8 lectures (first lecture: sept 23rd)
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Fondations mathématiques de la théorie des automates
Mathematical foundations of automata theory
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Codes correcteurs d'erreurs et applications à la cryptographie
Error correcting codes and applications to cryptography
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Méthodes informatiques pour la biologie systémique et synthétique
Computational methods for systems and synthetic biology
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Assistants de preuve
Proof assistants
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009 or Computer Laboratory 2001
Gestion de données sur le web
Web data management
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Catégories, lambda-calculs
Categories, lambda-calculus
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Period 1 and Period 2. First lecture not before Sept. 23rd.
Ulm Salle R
Machine learning
Period 1 and Period 2
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 2027 till end of December, from January Room 2035
  8:45 -- 9:15 9:15 -- 10:15 10:15 -- 11:45         12:45 -- 13:15 13:15 -- 14:15 14:15 -- 15:45         16:15 -- 17:45 17:45 -- 18:45 18:45 -- 19:15
Tuesday         2.4
Programmation fonctionnelle et systemes de types
Functional programming and type systems
Period 1 and Period 2, 20 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Complexité randomisée
Randomness in Complexity
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Fondements pour la vérification des systèmes temps-réel
Foundations of real time systems verification Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Algorithmique distribuée pour les réseaux
Distributed algorithms for the networks
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Algorithmique des graphes
Graph algorithms
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Fondements des systèmes de preuves
Foundations of proof systems
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Systèmes polynomiaux, calcul formel et applications
Polynomial systems, computer algebra and applications
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Analyse Géométrique des Données
Computational Geometry Learning
Period 1, 10 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Planification du mouvement en robotique
Robot motion planning
Period 1 and Period 2
Ulm salle UV
Fondements sur la modélisation des réseaux
Foundations of network models
Period 2, 10 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
  8:45 -- 9:15 9:15 -- 10:15 10:15 -- 11:45         12:45 -- 13:15 13:15 -- 14:15 14:15 -- 15:45         16:15 -- 17:45 17:45 -- 18:45 18:45 -- 19:15
Wednesday 2.2
Modèles des langages de programmation: domaines, catégories, jeux
Models of programming languages: domains, categories, games
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Protocoles cryptographiques : preuves formelles et calculatoires
Cryptographic protocols: computational and symbolic proofs
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Period 1, 10 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Algorithmes pour les graphes plongés
Algorithms for embedded graphs
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Fondements mathématiques de la théorie des systèmes infinis
Mathematical foundations of the theory of infinite transition systems
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Structures Informatiques et Logiques pour la Modélisation Linguistique
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Complexité avancée
Advanced complexity
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Ulm Salle UV
Sémantique, langages et algorithmes pour la programmation multicore
Semantics, languages and algorithms for multicore programming
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Informatique quantique et applications
Quantum information and applications
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Initiation à la vérification
Basics of verification
Period 1 and Period 2, 20 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 2035
8:45 -- 9:15 9:15 -- 10:15 10:15 -- 11:45         12:45 -- 13:15 13:15 -- 14:15 14:15 -- 15:45         16:15 -- 17:45 17:45 -- 18:45 18:45 -- 19:15
Thursday 2.26.1
Logic, descriptive complexity and database theory
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Algorithmes efficaces en calcul formel
Efficient algorithms in computer algebra
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Analyse d'algorithmes
Analysis of algorithms
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Constraint Programming
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Théorie des calculs pour les phénomènes émergents
Theory of computations for emerging systems
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Vérification algorithmique des programmes
Algorithmic verification of programs
Course suspended in 2013-2014
Démonstration automatique
Automated deduction
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Robust Concurrent Computing
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Aspects probabilistes de l'informatique
Probabilistic aspects of computer science
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 2035 till end of December, starting from January room 1008
        TD du cours 1.20
Ulm: Amphi Rataud 1er sous sol Nouvel Immeuble Rataud, except on Thu Nov 14 and Thu Dec 12: salle Paul Langevin, 29 rue d'Ulm.
Algorithmique et bio-informatique
Algorithmics and bioinformatics Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
8:45 -- 9:15 9:15 -- 10:15 10:15 -- 11:45         12:45 -- 13:15 13:15 -- 14:15 14:15 -- 15:45         16:15 -- 17:45 17:45 -- 18:45 18:45 -- 19:15
Friday 2.6
Interprétation abstraite: application à la vérification et à l'analyse statique
Abstract interpretation: application to verification and static analysis
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Period 1 and Period 2, 20 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Systèmes synchrones
Synchronous systems
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Modélisation par automates finis
Period 1 and Period 2, 16 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Aspects algorithmiques de la combinatoire
Algorithmic aspects of combinatorics
Period 1 and Period 2, 20 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008
Preuve de programmes
Proofs of programs
Period 2, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1009
Projet Génie Logiciel
Software engineering (10h30-12h30)
Period 1 and Period 2
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 2035 till end of December, from January Room 321 at ENS Cachan        
Automates d'arbres et applications
Tree automata and applications
Period 1, 8 lectures
Bat. Sophie Germain Room 1008

2012-13 Calendar

Universités partenaires Université Paris-Diderot
Université Paris-Saclay
ENS Cachan École polytechnique Télécom ParisTech
Établissements associés Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie CNRS INRIA CEA