Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI)

Level 1 modules

Level 1 modules aim at (1) covering a large area of computer science research, and/or (2) giving a solid background for some theoretical and technical level 2 modules. A module takes place on a semester (resp. half a semester) and approximatively corresponds to 75 hours per student: 50 (resp. 25) hours of lessons and exercices and 25 (resp. 12.5) hours of personal works. It provides 7 (resp. 4) ECTS.

The M1 modules listed below are offered by ENS Paris (timetable) and ENS Paris-Saclay (timetable). They can be located at ENS Paris or ENS Paris-Saclay. The list below includes a title, a teacher in charge, a university and a link to a description. As for level 2 modules, this list may evolve every year.

Subject to the approval of the Study Director, other courses can be integrated in the M1 study plan, in particular ENS Paris-Saclay L3 courses and MPRI M2 modules (both count as MPRI ECTS) as well as Paris Cité M1 modules (external ECTS).

CoursTitre du coursSemestreNb. HECTSResponsable(s)Établissement
1-17Advanced complexity1607J. Goubault-LarrecqENS Paris-Saclay
1-18Tree automata and applications1304L. DoyenENS Paris-Saclay
1-19Robot motion planning1607J.-P. LaumondENS Paris
1-20Lambda-calculi and domains1607P.-A. MellièsENS Paris
1-22Basics of verification1607S. SchwoonENS Paris-Saclay
1-24Probabilistic aspects of computer science1607S. HaddadENS Paris-Saclay
1-31Software engineering1607M. SighireanuENS Paris-Saclay
1-32Algorithmics and bioinformatics1487M. Függer and T. Nowak ENS Paris-Saclay
1-33 Rewriting techniques 1 30 4F. Blanqui ENS Paris-Saclay
1-34 Networks 1 30 4M. Sighireanu ENS Paris-Saclay
1-35Introduction to Computer Vision1607J. PonceENS Paris
1-36Initiation to research1303Ph. SchnoebelenENS Paris-Saclay
1-37Convex Optimization1304A. d'AspremontENS Paris
1-37Combinatorial Optimization1304Chien-Chung HUANGENS Paris
1-39Logical aspects of artificial intelligence1484+4S. Demri & M. SighireanuENS Paris-Saclay
Universités partenaires Université Paris-Diderot
Université Paris-Saclay
ENS Cachan École polytechnique Télécom ParisTech
Établissements associés Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie CNRS INRIA CEA