Verification of dynamic and parameterized systems (48h, 6 ECTS)
People in charge :
http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~finkel/Alain Finkel (LSV, ENS de Cachan), responsible for this year,
http://www.liafa.jussieu.fr/~abou/ Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA, Univ. Paris 7)
http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~phs/ Philippe Schnoebelen (LSV, ENS de Cachan).
The lectures take place on Tuesday from 16h15 until 18h45 at the Chevaleret building (room 1E01).
Since 1990, the algorithmic techniques for the verification of systems are used increasingly in industry and
are capable of taking into account more and more aspects of systems.
The course 2-9 presents certain recent advances in the domain ofautomatic verification by model-checking,
in particular concerning the verification of models with an infinite (unbounded) number of configurations,
allowing to analyse and validate dynamic and parameterized complex systems like embedded systems, distributed
algorithms, modern telecommunication protocols, etc.
The basic tool used in this course arecounter machines which represent a fundamental theoretical model.
Therefore, the course presents some classical results which are of general interest going beyond the
subject of automatic verification.
For example, we study Presburger logic, undecidability of Minsky machines, etc.
The course will be taught in English since at least two foreign students requested it during the first class (Sep. 13th). The exams will be given in English (it is okay to answer in French).
To follow the course 2-9 a student should have some basic notions in computability and complexity theory,
in logique and should master the basic concepts of finite automata theory and regular languages.
The course 2-9 is a quite natural follow-up of the course 1-22 which is giving a general introduction
to the domain of verification. However, it is not necessary to have followed course 1-22.
The courses 2-6 (on abstract interpretation and application to verification and static analysis) , 2-8 (on the verification of timed, hybrid and concurrent systems:
it introduces a similar scientific approach but concentrates on timed aspects), 2-36-1 about proof of programs, 2-7-2 about proof-assistants and 2-20-1 about games theory are all intetresting complements of course 2-9.
Course | Date | Teacher | Contents | References | Lecture notes and exercises |
2-9.1 | 13 sep | A. Finkel | Introduction. Counter machines: A fundamental model for modelling and verifying programs and systems.
Examples of modelling: SyracuseProblem, Broadcast protocols, Programs for list manipulation, ... | [EFM99]
A recent but uncomplete proof of the Syracuse problem | presentation course 2-9;
Exercise: what are the reachable configurations for the 3 counter machine in the Feb. 2009 exam? |
2-9.2 | 20 sep | A. Finkel | On families of counter machines: relational, fonctional, affine, linear, translations, Minsky machines (called initially register machines), vector addition systems (VAS) and Petri Nets. Undecidability of the termination and reachability problems for Minsky machines. Decidability for VAS. | Relational, functional and affine CMs [DFGD'2010] | slides-2nd-lecture
Exercises lectures 1 - 2 to send before 26 september |
2-9.3 | 27 sep | A. Finkel | Definition of well-quasi-orderings (also called WQO). Dickson's lemma and Higman's lemma. Well-structured transition systems (WSTS). Examples of well-structured (or not) extended VAS. Decidability of the termination and the finiteness problems of well-structured transition systems(WSTS).Computability of predecessor sets Pre^*(X). | [FS01], [Kru72] | slides-3rd-lecture |
2-9.4 | 4 oct | A. Finkel | Monotonic (aka well-structured) counter machines. Decidability of reachability & safety, termination. Computability of predecessor sets Pre^*(X). Undecidability of Büchi properties, of finiteness. | | slides-4th-lecture
notes-monotonic CM;
Undecidability for reset |
2-9.5 | 11 oct | A. Finkel | The computation of the cover for monotonic counter machines. Applications for solving decidability of various problems. Open problems for research. | [FG'09]
[FMP'04] | |
Course | Date | Teacher | Contents | References | Lecture notes |
2-9.6 | 18 oct | Laurent Doyen | Reminder of two-player graph games with reachability and safety objectives. Monotonic games. General results of decidability and undecidability. | [ABO'03] | [1]
[2] |
2-9.7 | 25 oct | Laurent Doyen | Energy games. Definition, computational complexity, strategy complexity. Algorithm. | [BFLMS'08]
[BCDGR'11] | [3] |
2-9 | 1er nov | pas de cours | | | |
2-9.8 | 8 nov | Laurent Doyen | Energy games with partial observation. Finite memory strategies. Decidability and undecidability results. | [DDGRT'10] | [4] |
2-9.9 | 15 nov | Laurent Doyen | Energy parity games. Special case of energy Buechi and energy coBuechi games. Memory requirement and computational complexity. | [CD'10] | [5] |
2-9.10 | 22 nov | Laurent Doyen | Multi-counter games. Generalized energy games. Strategy complexity and computational complexity. | [CDHR'10]
[KS'88] | [6] |
2-9 | 29 nov | Mid-term exam | | | |
Course | Date | Teacher | Contents | References | Lecture notes |
2-9.6 | 6 dec | P. Habermehl | Presburger arithmetic. Decidability by the quantifier elimination method. | | Slides |
2-9.7 | 13 dec | P. Habermehl | Lower-bound for the complexity of Presburger arithmetic | [FR74] | Slides |
2-9.8 | 20 dec | Pas de cours | | | |
2-9.8 | 3 jan | P. Habermehl | Decidability using finite-state automata. | | Slides |
2-9.9 | 10 jan | P. Habermehl | Extension to real numbers using weak Büchi automata. | | Slides |
2-9.10 | 17 jan | P. Habermehl | Presburger definable sets = semilinear sets. Applications. | | Slides |
Course | Date | Teacher | Contents | Biblio | Lecture notes |
2-9.16 | 24 jan | A. Sangnier | Reachability in functional flat counter systems, flattable counter systems | [FL02] [LS05][HP79] | |
2-9.17 | 31 jan | A. Sangnier | Reachability in relational flat counter systems | | |
2-9.17 | 7 fev | A. Sangnier | Verification of programs with linked-lists and arrays | | |
2-9.18 | 14 fev | A. Sangnier | Verification of concurrent programs | | |
2-9.19 | 21 fev | Sangnier | Beyond reachability in counter systems | | |
2-9.20 | 28 fev | semaine de révision | | | |
2-9.20 | 6 mar | Final examination | | | |
Here are some new (for the year 2011-2012) research internships related to the topics of the course:
Here are research internships of year 2010-2011:
Lectures notes or slides will be put on-line as soon as possible after each course.
Model Checking. E.M. Clarke, O. Grumberg, D.A. Peled. MIT Press, 1999.
Systems and Software Verification. Model-Checking Techniques and Tools. B. Bérard, M. Bidoit, A. Finkel, F. Laroussinie, A. Petit, L. Petrucci, and Ph. Schnoebelen. Springer 2001.
J. B. Kruskal.
The theory of well-quasi-ordering: A frequently discovered concept.
In Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 13(3):297—305, 1972.
A. Podelski and A. Rybalchenko.
Transition invariants.
In Proc. LICS 2004, pp 32—41. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press 2004.
A. Bouajjani |
PU |
Paris 7 |
S. Demri |
DR |
L. Doyen |
CR |
A. Finkel |
PU |
ENS de Cachan |
P. Habermehl |
MC |
Paris 7 |
Y. Jurski |
MC |
Paris 7 |
S. Kremer |
CR |
A. Sangnier |
MC |
Ph. Schnoebelen |
DR |
M. Sighireanu |
MC |
Paris 7 |
T. Touili |
CR |