Table of Contents
Algorithmique et combinatoire des graphes géométriques / Algorithms and combinatorics for geometric graphs (24h)Course 2-38-1, year 2024-2025. Teachers: Luca Castelli Aleardi (École Polytechnique) and Éric Colin de Verdière (CNRS & Université Gustave Eiffel). Other teachers not teaching this year: Vincent Cohen-Addad (Google Zürich), Arnaud de Mesmay (CNRS & Université Gustave Eiffel), and Vincent Pilaud (CNRS & École Polytechnique, responsible teacher for the course). What's new?Final exam on Dec. 4, 8:45-11:45am, usual room (1004 of Sophie Germain building). The exam will be in two parts, one for each teacher. Please prepare two sets of answer sheets, one for each part. Allowed documents: the course notes and handwritten documents. No electronic devices. The exam will have a French and an English version; answers can be given in either language. Second homework due Nov. 13 (optional) here. First homework due Oct. 16 (optional) here. Practical informationWhen? First period, Wednesdays, from 8:45 to 11:45, starting September 18. No lecture on October 30. Where? Sophie Germain room 1004. Language. Lectures will be given in French by default, or in English upon request of at least three persons who do not understand French, and if nobody objects. Questions can be raised in English or in French. Lecture notes will be available in English. The exam may be provided both in English and in French if requested. Evaluation. The evaluation is done with the final exam. Two exercises sheets will be proposed during the course period; if solved and given to the teacher (either a sheet written with a pen, or a LaTeX-formatted electronic version), they will give some extra credit for the final grade. Prerequisites. None. Main themeAlgorithms and combinatorics for graphs are a major theme in computer science. In this course, we study various aspects of this theme in the case of graphs arising in geometric settings. Examples include planar graphs (of course), graphs drawn without crossings on topological surfaces, and graphs of polytopes and other combinatorial structures. The course is therefore at the frontier of graph algorithms, combinatorics, and computational geometry. Following this course is a good opportunity
Preliminary roadmap
Course notes and slidesLCA's lectures: Lecture 1, Lecture 4, Lecture 6, Lecture 8, course notes on Schnyder woods. ÉCdV's lectures: course notes (only a subset will be treated) Bibliography
Relevant coursesThe course has some connections with the following ones: |