Table of Contents
Concurrency (24h, 3 ECTS)Course director: Emmanuel Haucourt Academic year 2024 - 2025
TeacherEmmanuel Haucourt (professional web page) GoalsIn view of studying concurrency in a continuous setting, we introduce topology, geometry, and order theory needed to define a semantics of a restriction of the language introduced by E. W. Dijkstra. French and EnglishFrench. However, questions asked in english will be answered in english. Plan of the Course and MaterialSlidesA QUICK OVERVIEW OF CONCURRENCY THEORY PARALLEL AUTOMATA META LANGUAGE: Syntax, Control Flow Graph, Abstract Machine CONSERVATIVE PROGRAMS: Potential Functions, Discrete Models AN ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY TEASER: Categories, Topology, Functors, Connectedness METRIC SPACES: Functor terminology, Categories of metric spaces, Metric graphs LOCALLY ORDERED METRIC GRAPHS: Partially ordered spaces, Ordered atlases, Basic properties, Ordered atlas on metric graphs MODELS: Cartesian product, From discrete to geometric models, Examples, Geometric vs Discrete, The motivating theorem, From geometric to smooth models HOMOTOPY OF PATHS: Undirected case, Directed case, Relation to geometric models INDEPENDANCE: Syntactical independence, Model independence, Observational independence, Comparison ISOTHETIC REGIONS: Boolean structure, Additional operators FACTORING ISOTHETIC REGIONS: Free commutative monoids, Monoids of homogeneous languages, Homogeneous languages and isothetic regions FUNDAMENTAL CATEGORY: Abstract setting, Directed path functor, Natural congruences, Basic properties and computations CATEGORY OF COMPONENTS: Motivation, Loop-free categories, Systems of weak isomorphisms, Construction, Properties, Examples, Finite connected loop-free categories BibliographyBooks
Basic Category Theory
More advanced books:
Related coursesModels of programming languages: domains, categories, and games (2.2) Distributed algorithms on shared memory (2.18.2). Exam7 or 14 (to be decided) march 2025, 8h45 - 11h45, Sophie Germain building, room 1002.
Calendar and Time Schedule8h45 - 11h45, Sophie Germain building, room 1002 13, 20 december 2024 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 january 2025 7 february 2025 Option: cancel the 20th of december or the 3rd of january course and add a course on the 14th of february, to be decided during the first session. |